



Sunday, February 27, 2005

so much for midnight bowling...i just spent the majority of the last 48 hours sleeping. i normally need to catch up on my days off, but this is a disorder. 17 hrs. straight friday night, only to be awakened saturday afternoon by the sound of my ringtone from hell - i want a $600 phone just so i can have a nice ringtone, i don't care about any of the other features. unfortunately, that makes it just not worth $600 to me. when i realized i was starving, i got an awesome sub from lenny's, after getting ready (very slowly...somehow, it took over an hour). tired, but even more hungry. hungry wins, but tired put up a great fight. once hungry was satisfied, though, there was nothing to stop tired, and i slept another 5 hrs. somehow, although it seems i had just eaten, and the rest of my day consisted of only sleeping, nothing justified hunger, and i tried to bribe him with coffee, thus also fighting tired, which i anticipated would be back again as soon as hunger was gone. not long afterward, another false alarm. i assume it was false, since this is only about the 5th one this year, and now there is only one left to last the remaining 10 months. i wonder if it would work so well if someone actually broke in. that hasn't happened since it was installed, but this is another example of something that is just not worth knowing, a rare exception to my rule that it is always better to know than to wonder. i was really looking forward to bowling. but why are bowling alleys always in questionable parts of town and associated with bad things that happen? like that movie about columbine. this place looks like an abandoned 70's warehouse from the twilight zone and is sitting next to the admiral's benbow inn, which i think is servicing a few prostitution rings and is coincidentally across the street from an adult club and bookstore. one thing i did accomplish before falling asleep for 17 hours was a trip to "the futon store" for my new apartment. i avoid restaurants called "restaurant" and motels called "motel" - use some creativity! and they're also kinda that "benbow inn." isn't that misspelled? - but somehow i justify "the futon store," i guess because it is actually unique (you don't find them everywhere like those "restaurant"s and "motel"s), and it isn't scary, or maybe i'm just inconsistent. judging by my recent sleep patterns, or should i just say recent life patterns, i would say that's it. and i'm also insane, who personifies "hungry" and "tired"? another inconsistency, i started with 2 adjectives but i somehow switched one to a noun in the middle of everything. really tired. even a crazy professor doesn't understand that one. i finally accomplished something valuable today, reading 2 more novels that justify the 18th century feminist movement in europe. at least there is that progress. and this weekend was not completely wasted.

madame le professeur at 7:26 PM



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