



Monday, March 07, 2005

*reflecting over the weekend preceeding spring break* - lunch with my fellow professors on friday was great, it was in this plaza where the corridors and the outsides of the buildings inside make you feel like you are standing on a narrow road window shopping in ireland. it reminded me of standing around for hours talking about nothing late at night on those streets of ireland, after the bars were all closed, sometimes ironically in front of brown thomas, as if we could afford to shop there. i took a few hours to shop in some of those stores, then finally disciplined myself to finish everything that i had to do to set myself up at my new place. i finished around 9 p.m...later than i thought. my brother helped near the end, or else it would have been more like 10 p.m. we had a late dinner, then i had to run back to my apartment for one last thing before my drive home. big mistake. this weird scary guy who reminded me of aaron burr as a terrorist followed me into the elevator and ran right into the back wall (i know when you're stoned, things look much closer than they are, so i don't know what he was thinking...maybe that it wasn't as close as it looked, lol!) anyway, can't i even ask if someone is ok without getting hit on? it's like i should know by now, if there's something wrong with them, expect it. if not, don't bother even being civil, they won't reply at all. so i remain a hermit..."in my own little corner, in my own little chair, i can be whatever i want to be. on the wing of my fancy, i can fly anywhere, and the world will open it's arms to me."

madame le professeur at 5:02 PM



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