



Sunday, February 05, 2006

my weekend - saturday night a friend of mine whom i have been waiting for to go with me to see a movie finally found the time. someone who was going to "stop by and say hi" stayed the whole time we were having drinks. we were going to be late to the movie...but it started much later than we thought, so we had some more drinks at the cinema and she spent the whole time on the phone with a stalker - supposedly the last person on earth she wanted to talk to, so i felt very appreciated. the movie finally started at 10:50, she had previously made her dissatisfaction with that clear but agreed to stay...that lasted for about 20 or 30 minutes, when she made her dissatisfaction with the movie itself clear and suddenly went from "life of the party" to completely sick. maybe she was, we had quite a bit to drink. she tried to stay, but we ended up leaving an hour into the movie. i explained the situation and tried to see if i could get a ticket punched to enter halfway through an afternoon movie at a later time. they said they could either give me another ticket or just give me my money back. i was pleasantly surprised at how easy that was but still disappointed that i would have to come back and watch it later...sober. my friend suddenly forgot how urgently sick she was and spent 5 minutes excitedly looking for her ticket so that she could get her money back before finally giving up and letting me take her back to her car. the next day, still disappointed and still upset with my window that will not stay up/closed, i pulled the mini blinds for the 10th and last time in the past few days in order to access and close the window. the complete mini blind structure fell and landed on some of my pictures/frames and valuables that i have sitting on the ledge. a few minutes later, while getting ready for coffee with another friend, i knocked a bottle of nailpolish from a shelf in the bathroom and glass and polish broke all over the floor, the walls, the sink, the toilet, the toilet was hell trying to clean it up, even with strong nail polish remover. the good news : the window has not dared to fall down again, i finally fashioned a long enough tension rod out of a pole (that is supposed to be assembled with baskets from ceiling to floor in the bathroom...whatever those things are called, you put your shower stuff in them) to hang my curtains on - without the baskets of course. the chrome pole provides a stark contrast with my bombay curtains and futon, but i guess i have that contrast everywhere in my room. it actually looks ok. it also blocks the deadly morning rays from ruining my grosse matinée. and finally, i might be seeing this movie later this week with people who actually appreciate this probably wouldn't hurt to see the first hour a second time anyway. it's one of those movies.

madame le professeur at 3:10 PM



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