



Saturday, May 27, 2006

I am having the strangest dreams lately. I think I always have strange dreams but that I just don't always remember, lately I have been remembering them. The last few have mostly been about me being in love with different older men, sometimes married, that I am really not in love with. Last night, though, I had a dream that I was flying with some people, not in an aircraft of some kind, we were flying (like in Peter Pan). It was fun, except that you could run out of "fuel" or something. We kept worrying that we would fall...and we did (or someone ran out of "fuel" so we all just stuck together and "landed") anyway, we ended up exactly where we were looking for, in a "cave" I guess that was supposed to have treasure. I knew I had found the treasure right away...what could be better than these awesome boots, all in different colours of suede and leather? I don't know who these other people that were with me were supposed to be, but no one else agreed, they all thought there would be more...maybe they were expecting something like Aladdin's treasure in 1001 Arabian Nights? I didn't get to find out, because I woke up. Sometimes I wish you could go back to sleep and finish a dream. That would be nifty. Until then, I probably need to stop rereading Swedish fairy tales! Adjö PIPPI LÅNGSTRUMP!

madame le professeur at 11:12 PM



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