



Tuesday, August 29, 2006

in january, a trailor lost a tire (that was on backward!) on a highway. everyone was driving 80 mph, and the car behind the truck got stuck on the tire and went from 80 to 0. i was right behind that car and thought it was just slowing down fast. when i realized it was stopping!!!, i slowed down as fast as i could, but i was only halfway stopped before i hit the car and went to the hospital for a week. this lacerated my spleen, which carries about 4 gallons of blood. before anyone could attend to my lacerated spleen, a cop had to ask me 20 questions in order to write my ticket, since "i was not in control of my car and should have been able to stop my car from 80 to 0 in a few feet." i received a ticket, but the trailor who was careless with his tires didn't get anything. obviously he was in control of his vehicle, so isn't dropping road blocks like this attempted murder? i guess that's somehow okay? a few days ago a cop was behind me and almost hit me. i was driving 10 mph in a parking lot and "seemed like i was going to turn" but i didn't, so i "forced the cop to almost hit me." i guess he was in control of his car too? he didn't hit me but still felt obligated to give me a $60 ticket for his inconvenience. something about this seems !highly! there possibly a "better driving bureau" here?

madame le professeur at 9:56 PM



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