



Friday, November 03, 2006

someone has invented the perfect way to stalk and annoy people. i have been getting knocks on my door at midnight and 3 in the morning, someone dials my apartment number on the box downstairs (hoping to be let in by my cell phone? at midnight and 3 in the morning?), then when it doesn't work the first time, they do it a second, third, fourth, sometimes five or six times. since it is usually after i am asleep, and i don't have time or really know what to do about it, i just turn off my phone after 11 or when i don't expect any more (normal) calls from people that i actually know. unfortunately, i can't soundproof my door. i also started receiving phone calls today from 000-000-0000...a total of 7 times today! it seemed like it wouldn't stop ringing all day. i couldn't trace this online, my mobile service said there is no way to block a number, and if there was, this is obviously not the number. i even called the police who offered to file a quick report but admitted that there was really nothing that they could do that would actually stop it either. the only options that i have are to *pay* my mobile service to change my number, which would be as annoying as the problem itself, and there is no guarantee that this won't happen to the new number anyway, but i probably will be cancelling the old one soon...when i move! or to just keep my phone on silence, which is probably what i will do for now. unfortunately, this isn't serious enough for the police or anyone to do anything (at least there is no proof of that yet, unless they are also responsible for the unauthorised financial transactions, but i think that is something else). i think this person just enjoys ruining people's lives in untraceable and legal? ways that make you feel like a prisoner. ironically, they have too much time, and i don't have enough.

madame le professeur at 11:20 PM



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